Monday, March 25, 2013

The heat is on...

Yes, this song is on repeat in my head as I type this post...

Well, Spring has officially sprung... according to the calendar at least. While we had a few days of what some would call "heat", in south Mississippi it's still a little bit chilly; the temps have yet to really level out to true heat. Two weekends ago though, Toni and I experienced a taste of the heat that is yet to come when we attempted a prescribed 8 miler. I say attempted because we completed 6.5. After weeks of training in coolish to cold weather, 65 degrees was almost like a furnace. I was not ready- mentally, emotionally, or physically.

Then and there on that run, with my head feeling like it would explode from heat and my body just plain tired, I decided while the heat is on- on the street- it's time for me to crank up the heat. In the kitchen that is.

I feel my life cycles in themes. When one topic/subject comes up that I need to pay attention to, it pops up in all areas of my life. Lately the theme has been nutrition.

"You can't out-train bad nutrition."
"You have to put quality in to get quality results."
"Nutrition is key, it's the only way to see results."

These are things that have been said to me (many, many times for a while), but it's now starting to sink in- I've been told I can be stubborn at times. I've always thought, "I'm working out- that's better than nothing, right?" Wrong. Yes, it's good that I'm working out, but the workouts will really benefit me if the food I eat is clean. And so I am challenging myself to eat better- to eat clean(er). In order to do this, I feel I need more control over how my food is prepared, hence turning the heat up in the kitchen.

This should be interesting...

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