Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I'm losing my toenails...

I'm losing my toenails. I announced it this morning at Versus AT during our warm up. Yes, I had to clarify toenailS, as in more than one.

In middle and high school I lost one toenail on each foot annually at minimum, the pointer-finger-equivalent on my feet. I attributed this to my extra-long pointer-toe, it would rub the top of my shoe, it would bruise, and eventually it would work it's way off sometimes with help from my pointer finger and thumb.

Before you ask, yes, I clip my toenails. In fact, I'm one of those people who pays extra attention to their feet, I don't know why. It seems to have started when I was very young, I’m talking 3, 4, 5 years old. Dad says I would kick my shoes off as soon as I got home and take each toe and it's neighbor, spread them wide as I could, and dig the sock-fuzz and sand out from in-between.

Two things to note here: 1) when I say sandbox, one should take that figuratively and literally. We lived in Kuwait and Pakistan at the time, as in the Middle East. 2) This practice of spreading my toes as a child led to an incredible talent for having "finger-toes". 

Even now, I can't stand for anything to be between my toes, I clip my toenails regularly, and give myself at-home manicures because I'm still learning to live on a budget so no, neglect is not the cause of my loosening toenails.

The cause has got to be running. I’ve never run so much in my entire life. Even during basketball season in high school I don’t think the running we did during all of our practices adds up to the amount of running I’m doing now with just-4-kicks.

My toenails will grow back. I’m not worried about my feet, although my toes can be quite tender to the touch during the shedding-of-the-nail process.

What an interesting post, eh?

Bet you thought I was going to talk about how awful last weekend’s 7 miles were....

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