Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A surefire feeling

A few weeks ago (three, maybe?), Staci planned one heck of a run that took us through downtown. It was a really great, scenic seven miles. You may remember myself or Toni blogging about it after.

Honest moment - when Staci finagled me (kidding) into taking on this challenge, I really expected to get to about five miles and then hate myself every day after when it came to running. The exact opposite has happened.

At mile seven that day, I felt incredible! Re-energized, I guess you could say. I then realized that I had surpassed my own expectations (albeit: they were a bit negative).  That single run has jumpstarted my passion for running again. I can remember when 5 miles was a dreaded "long run" and now it's a weekly maintenance run that kickstarts my day. This past weekend, I was able to run the prescribed 8 with my sister - and had my legs not felt like they would fall off, I would have continued on.

Over the next four weeks, we will conquer another 8, then 9, down to 4, up to 10 and back down to 8 before we leave for the big day. And I am thoroughly excited! But don't get me wrong, I gloriously look forward to NOT waking up at 5:30 a.m. every day of the week. But this new runner's high? I think I'll keep that!

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